Computer Shortcut Keys that Every User Should Know

Computer Shortcut Keys that Every User Should Know


There are numerous shortcuts hidden in your keyboard that are all capable of giving instructions and controlling your system and do not require the use of a mouse. Using these shortcuts will definitely enhance your overall experience while saving you a lot of time.

Shortcut Keys in computer Helps us to do our work in computer easy and fast way

Basic Shortcut Keys used in Computer

  1. Ctrl + A – Selects all text
  2. Ctrl + X – Cuts the selected item
  3. Ctrl + Del – Cut selected item
  4. Ctrl + C – Copy the selected item
  5. Ctrl + Ins – Copy the selected item
  6. Ctrl + V – Paste the selected item
  7. Alt + F – File menu options in the current program.
  8. Alt + E – Edits options in the current program
  9. F1 – Universal help (for any sort of program)
  10. Home – Go to the beginning of the current line
  11. Ctrl + Home – Go to the beginning of the document
  12. End – Go to the end of the current line
  13. Ctrl + End – Go to the end of a document
  14. Shift + Home – Highlight from the current position to beginning of the line
  15. Shift + End – Highlight from the current position to end of the line
  16. Ctrl + (Left arrow) – Move one word to the left at a time
  17. Ctrl + (Right arrow) – Move one word to the right at a time

Microsoft Windows shortcut keys list

  1. Alt + Tab -- Switch between open applications.
  2. Alt + Shift + Tab -- Switch backward between open applications.
  3. Alt + Print Screen -- Create screenshot for the current program.
  4. Ctrl + Alt + Del -- Reboot/Windows task manager.
  5. Ctrl + Esc -- Bring up the start menu.
  6. Alt + Esc -- Switch between applications on the taskbar.
  7. F2 -- Rename selected icon.
  8. F3 -- Start find from the desktop.
  9. F4 -- Open the drive selection when browsing.
  10. F5 -- Refresh contents.
  11. Alt + F4 -- Close current open program.
  12. Ctrl + F4 -- Close window in program.
  13. Ctrl + Plus Key-- Automatically adjust widths of all columns in Windows Explorer.
  14. Alt + Enter -- Open properties window of selected icon or program.
  15. Shift + F10 -- Simulate right-click on selected item.
  16. Shift + Del -- Delete programs/files permanently.
  17. Holding Shift During Boot up -- Boot safe mode or bypass system files.
  18. Holding Shift During Boot up -- When putting in an audio CD, will prevent CD Player from playing.

MS Word shortcut keys

  1. Ctrl + A -- Select all contents of the page.
  2. Ctrl + B -- Bold highlighted selection.
  3. Ctrl + C -- Copy selected text.
  4. Ctrl + X -- Cut selected text.
  5. Ctrl + N -- Open new/blank document.
  6. Ctrl + O -- Open options.
  7. Ctrl + P -- Open the print window.
  8. Ctrl + F -- Open find box.
  9. Ctrl + I -- Italicise highlighted selection.
  10. Ctrl + K -- Insert link.
  11. Ctrl + U -- Underline highlighted selection.
  12. Ctrl + V -- Paste.
  13. Ctrl + Y -- Redo the last action performed.
  14. Ctrl + Z -- Undo last action.
  15. Ctrl + G -- Find and replace options.
  16. Ctrl + H -- Find and replace options.
  17. Ctrl + J -- Justify paragraph alignment.
  18. Ctrl + L -- Align selected text or line to the left.
  19. Ctrl + Q -- Align selected paragraph to the left.
  20. Ctrl + E -- Align selected text or line to the center.
  21. Ctrl + R -- Align selected text or line to the right.
  22. Ctrl + M -- Indent the paragraph.
  23. Ctrl + T -- Hanging indent.
  24. Ctrl + D -- Font options.
  25. Ctrl + Shift + F -- Change the font.
  26. Ctrl + Shift + > -- Increase selected font +1.
  27. Ctrl + ] -- Increase selected font +1.
  28. Ctrl + [ -- Decrease selected font -1.
  29. Ctrl + Shift + * -- View or hide non printing characters.
  30. Ctrl + (Left arrow) -- Move one word to the left.
  31. Ctrl + (Right arrow) -- Move one word to the right.
  32. Ctrl + (Up arrow) -- Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
  33. Ctrl + (Down arrow) -- Move to the end of the paragraph.
  34. Ctrl + Del -- Delete word to the right of the cursor.
  35. Ctrl + Backspace -- Delete word to the left of the cursor.
  36. Ctrl + End -- Move cursor to end of the document.
  37. Ctrl + Home -- Move cursor to the beginning of the document.
  38. Ctrl + Space -- Reset highlighted text to default font.
  39. Ctrl + 1 -- Single-space lines.
  40. Ctrl + 2 -- Double-space lines.
  41. Ctrl + 5 -- 1.5-line spacing.
  42. Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1.
  43. Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2.
  44. Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3.
  45. F1 -- Open help.
  46. Shift + F3 -- Change case of selected text.
  47. Shift + Insert -- Paste.
  48. F4 -- Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+).
  49. F7 -- Spell check selected text and/or document.
  50. Shift + F7 -- Activate the thesaurus.
  51. F12 -- Save as.
  52. Ctrl + S -- Save.
  53. Shift + F12 -- Save.
  54. Alt + Shift + D -- Insert the current date.
  55. Alt + Shift + T -- Insert the current time.
  56. Ctrl + W -- Close document.

MS Excel shortcut keys

  1. F2 -- Edit the selected cell.
  2. F5 -- Go to a specific cell.
  3. F7 -- Spell check selected text and/or document.
  4. F11 -- Create chart
  5. Ctrl + Shift + ; -- Enter the current time.
  6. Ctrl + ; -- Enter the current date
  7. Alt + Shift + F1 -- Insert new worksheet.
  8. Shift + F3 -- Open the Excel formula window.
  9. Shift + F5 -- Bring up the search box
  10. Ctrl + A -- Select all contents of a worksheet.
  11. Ctrl + B -- Bold highlighted selection.
  12. Ctrl + I -- Italicize highlighted selection.
  13. Ctrl + C -- Copy selected text.
  14. Ctrl + V -- Paste
  15. Ctrl + D -- Fill
  16. Ctrl + K -- Insert link
  17. Ctrl + F -- Open find and replace options.
  18. Ctrl + G -- Open go-to options.
  19. Ctrl + H -- Open find and replace options.
  20. Ctrl + U -- Underline highlighted selection.
  21. Ctrl + Y -- Underline selected text.
  22. Ctrl + 5 -- Strikethrough highlighted selection.
  23. Ctrl + O -- Open options.
  24. Ctrl + N -- Open new document.
  25. Ctrl + P -- Open print dialog box.
  26. Ctrl + S -- Save.
  27. Ctrl + Z -- Undo last action.
  28. Ctrl + F9 -- Minimize current window.
  29. Ctrl + F10 -- Maximize currently selected window.
  30. Ctrl + F6 -- Switch between open workbooks/windows.
  31. Ctrl + Page up & Page Down -- Move between Excel worksheets in the same document.
  32. Ctrl + Tab -- Move between two or more open Excel files
  33. Alt + = -- Create the formula to sum all of the above cells.
  34. Ctrl + -- Insert the value of above cell into the current cell.
  35. Ctrl + Shift + ! -- Format number in comma format.
  36. Ctrl + Shift + $ -- Format number in currency format.
  37. Ctrl + Shift + # -- Format number in date format.
  38. Ctrl + Shift + % -- Format number in percentage format.
  39. Ctrl + Shift + ^ -- Format number in scientific format.
  40. Ctrl + Shift + @ -- Format number in time format.
  41. Ctrl + (Right arrow) -- Move to next section of text.
  42. Ctrl + Space -- Select entire column.
  43. Shift + Space -- Select entire row.
  44. Ctrl + W -- Close document.

Outlook shortcut keys

  1. Alt + S -- Send the email.
  2. Ctrl + C -- Copy selected text.
  3. Ctrl + X -- Cut selected text.
  4. Ctrl + P -- Open print dialog box.
  5. Ctrl + K -- Complete name/email typed in address bar.
  6. Ctrl + B -- Bold highlighted selection.
  7. Ctrl + I -- Italicize highlighted selection.
  8. Ctrl + U -- Underline highlighted selection.
  9. Ctrl + R -- Reply to an email.
  10. Ctrl + F -- Forward an email.
  11. Ctrl + N -- Create a new email.
  12. Ctrl + Shift + A -- Create a new appointment to your calendar.
  13. Ctrl + Shift + O -- Open the outbox.
  14. Ctrl + Shift + I -- Open the inbox.
  15. Ctrl + Shift + K -- Add a new task.
  16. Ctrl + Shift + C -- Create a new contact.
  17. Ctrl + Shift+ J -- Create a new journal entry.

WINKEY shortcuts:

  1. WINKEY + D -- Bring desktop to the top of other windows.
  2. WINKEY + M -- Minimize all windows.
  3. WINKEY + SHIFT + M -- Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D.
  4. WINKEY + E -- Open Microsoft Explorer.
  5. WINKEY + Tab -- Cycle through open programs on the taskbar.
  6. WINKEY + F -- Display the Windows Search/Find feature.
  7. WINKEY + CTRL + F -- Display the search for computers window.
  8. WINKEY + F1 -- Display the Microsoft Windows help.
  9. WINKEY + R -- Open the run window.
  10. WINKEY + Pause /Break -- Open the system properties window.
  11. WINKEY + U -- Open utility manager.
  12. WINKEY + L -- Lock the computer (Windows XP & later).

Google Chrome shortcut keys every user needs to know

  1. Ctrl + Shift + N – To enter Incognito mode
  2. Ctrl + Shift + T – Open the last closed tab
  3. Ctrl + W – Close the active tab
  4. Ctrl + PgDn – Jump to next open tab
  5. Ctrl + PgUp – Jump to previous open tab
  6. Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8 – Jump to a specific tab.
  7. Ctrl + 9 – Jump to the rightmost tab.
  8. Alt + Home – Open your home page in the current tab.
  9. Alt + Space then N – Minimize the current window.
  10. Alt + F then X – Quit Google Chrome

While the above are some of the most common ones, there are a few other important Chrome shortcut keys that will further help you speed up your work:

  1. Alt + F or Alt + E – Display the Chrome menu
  2. Ctrl + Shift + B – Display or hide the bookmarks bar
  3. Ctrl + Shift + O – Load the bookmarks manager
  4. Ctrl + J – Open the Downloads page in a new tab
  5. Shift + Esc – Open the Chrome Task Manager
  6. Ctrl + Shift + Delete – Open the clear browsing data options
  7. F5 or Ctrl + R – Refresh the current page
  8. Ctrl + D – Bookmark a page

PC shortcut keys for special characters

Many special characters can be created using keyboard shortcuts. Below are some of the more common and popular special characters and the keyboard shortcuts to create them.

Shortcut KeysSpecial Character
Alt+0176°  (degree symbol)
Alt+0177±  (plus/minus symbol)
Alt+0128€  (Euro currency)
Alt+0162¢  (Cent symbol)
Alt+0163£  (British Pound currency)
Alt+0165¥  (Japanese Yen currency)

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There are numerous shortcuts hidden in your keyboard that are all capable of giving instructions and controlling your system and do not require the use of a mouse. Using these shortcuts will definitely enhance your overall experience while saving you a lot of time.

Shortcut Keys in computer Helps us to do our work in computer easy and fast way

Basic Shortcut Keys used in Computer

  1. Ctrl + A – Selects all text
  2. Ctrl + X – Cuts the selected item
  3. Ctrl + Del – Cut selected item
  4. Ctrl + C – Copy the selected item
  5. Ctrl + Ins – Copy the selected item
  6. Ctrl + V – Paste the selected item
  7. Alt + F – File menu options in the current program.
  8. Alt + E – Edits options in the current program
  9. F1 – Universal help (for any sort of program)
  10. Home – Go to the beginning of the current line
  11. Ctrl + Home – Go to the beginning of the document
  12. End – Go to the end of the current line
  13. Ctrl + End – Go to the end of a document
  14. Shift + Home – Highlight from the current position to beginning of the line
  15. Shift + End – Highlight from the current position to end of the line
  16. Ctrl + (Left arrow) – Move one word to the left at a time
  17. Ctrl + (Right arrow) – Move one word to the right at a time

Microsoft Windows shortcut keys list

  1. Alt + Tab -- Switch between open applications.
  2. Alt + Shift + Tab -- Switch backward between open applications.
  3. Alt + Print Screen -- Create screenshot for the current program.
  4. Ctrl + Alt + Del -- Reboot/Windows task manager.
  5. Ctrl + Esc -- Bring up the start menu.
  6. Alt + Esc -- Switch between applications on the taskbar.
  7. F2 -- Rename selected icon.
  8. F3 -- Start find from the desktop.
  9. F4 -- Open the drive selection when browsing.
  10. F5 -- Refresh contents.
  11. Alt + F4 -- Close current open program.
  12. Ctrl + F4 -- Close window in program.
  13. Ctrl + Plus Key-- Automatically adjust widths of all columns in Windows Explorer.
  14. Alt + Enter -- Open properties window of selected icon or program.
  15. Shift + F10 -- Simulate right-click on selected item.
  16. Shift + Del -- Delete programs/files permanently.
  17. Holding Shift During Boot up -- Boot safe mode or bypass system files.
  18. Holding Shift During Boot up -- When putting in an audio CD, will prevent CD Player from playing.

MS Word shortcut keys

  1. Ctrl + A -- Select all contents of the page.
  2. Ctrl + B -- Bold highlighted selection.
  3. Ctrl + C -- Copy selected text.
  4. Ctrl + X -- Cut selected text.
  5. Ctrl + N -- Open new/blank document.
  6. Ctrl + O -- Open options.
  7. Ctrl + P -- Open the print window.
  8. Ctrl + F -- Open find box.
  9. Ctrl + I -- Italicise highlighted selection.
  10. Ctrl + K -- Insert link.
  11. Ctrl + U -- Underline highlighted selection.
  12. Ctrl + V -- Paste.
  13. Ctrl + Y -- Redo the last action performed.
  14. Ctrl + Z -- Undo last action.
  15. Ctrl + G -- Find and replace options.
  16. Ctrl + H -- Find and replace options.
  17. Ctrl + J -- Justify paragraph alignment.
  18. Ctrl + L -- Align selected text or line to the left.
  19. Ctrl + Q -- Align selected paragraph to the left.
  20. Ctrl + E -- Align selected text or line to the center.
  21. Ctrl + R -- Align selected text or line to the right.
  22. Ctrl + M -- Indent the paragraph.
  23. Ctrl + T -- Hanging indent.
  24. Ctrl + D -- Font options.
  25. Ctrl + Shift + F -- Change the font.
  26. Ctrl + Shift + > -- Increase selected font +1.
  27. Ctrl + ] -- Increase selected font +1.
  28. Ctrl + [ -- Decrease selected font -1.
  29. Ctrl + Shift + * -- View or hide non printing characters.
  30. Ctrl + (Left arrow) -- Move one word to the left.
  31. Ctrl + (Right arrow) -- Move one word to the right.
  32. Ctrl + (Up arrow) -- Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
  33. Ctrl + (Down arrow) -- Move to the end of the paragraph.
  34. Ctrl + Del -- Delete word to the right of the cursor.
  35. Ctrl + Backspace -- Delete word to the left of the cursor.
  36. Ctrl + End -- Move cursor to end of the document.
  37. Ctrl + Home -- Move cursor to the beginning of the document.
  38. Ctrl + Space -- Reset highlighted text to default font.
  39. Ctrl + 1 -- Single-space lines.
  40. Ctrl + 2 -- Double-space lines.
  41. Ctrl + 5 -- 1.5-line spacing.
  42. Ctrl + Alt + 1 Change text to heading 1.
  43. Ctrl + Alt + 2 Change text to heading 2.
  44. Ctrl + Alt + 3 Change text to heading 3.
  45. F1 -- Open help.
  46. Shift + F3 -- Change case of selected text.
  47. Shift + Insert -- Paste.
  48. F4 -- Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+).
  49. F7 -- Spell check selected text and/or document.
  50. Shift + F7 -- Activate the thesaurus.
  51. F12 -- Save as.
  52. Ctrl + S -- Save.
  53. Shift + F12 -- Save.
  54. Alt + Shift + D -- Insert the current date.
  55. Alt + Shift + T -- Insert the current time.
  56. Ctrl + W -- Close document.

MS Excel shortcut keys

  1. F2 -- Edit the selected cell.
  2. F5 -- Go to a specific cell.
  3. F7 -- Spell check selected text and/or document.
  4. F11 -- Create chart
  5. Ctrl + Shift + ; -- Enter the current time.
  6. Ctrl + ; -- Enter the current date
  7. Alt + Shift + F1 -- Insert new worksheet.
  8. Shift + F3 -- Open the Excel formula window.
  9. Shift + F5 -- Bring up the search box
  10. Ctrl + A -- Select all contents of a worksheet.
  11. Ctrl + B -- Bold highlighted selection.
  12. Ctrl + I -- Italicize highlighted selection.
  13. Ctrl + C -- Copy selected text.
  14. Ctrl + V -- Paste
  15. Ctrl + D -- Fill
  16. Ctrl + K -- Insert link
  17. Ctrl + F -- Open find and replace options.
  18. Ctrl + G -- Open go-to options.
  19. Ctrl + H -- Open find and replace options.
  20. Ctrl + U -- Underline highlighted selection.
  21. Ctrl + Y -- Underline selected text.
  22. Ctrl + 5 -- Strikethrough highlighted selection.
  23. Ctrl + O -- Open options.
  24. Ctrl + N -- Open new document.
  25. Ctrl + P -- Open print dialog box.
  26. Ctrl + S -- Save.
  27. Ctrl + Z -- Undo last action.
  28. Ctrl + F9 -- Minimize current window.
  29. Ctrl + F10 -- Maximize currently selected window.
  30. Ctrl + F6 -- Switch between open workbooks/windows.
  31. Ctrl + Page up & Page Down -- Move between Excel worksheets in the same document.
  32. Ctrl + Tab -- Move between two or more open Excel files
  33. Alt + = -- Create the formula to sum all of the above cells.
  34. Ctrl + -- Insert the value of above cell into the current cell.
  35. Ctrl + Shift + ! -- Format number in comma format.
  36. Ctrl + Shift + $ -- Format number in currency format.
  37. Ctrl + Shift + # -- Format number in date format.
  38. Ctrl + Shift + % -- Format number in percentage format.
  39. Ctrl + Shift + ^ -- Format number in scientific format.
  40. Ctrl + Shift + @ -- Format number in time format.
  41. Ctrl + (Right arrow) -- Move to next section of text.
  42. Ctrl + Space -- Select entire column.
  43. Shift + Space -- Select entire row.
  44. Ctrl + W -- Close document.

Outlook shortcut keys

  1. Alt + S -- Send the email.
  2. Ctrl + C -- Copy selected text.
  3. Ctrl + X -- Cut selected text.
  4. Ctrl + P -- Open print dialog box.
  5. Ctrl + K -- Complete name/email typed in address bar.
  6. Ctrl + B -- Bold highlighted selection.
  7. Ctrl + I -- Italicize highlighted selection.
  8. Ctrl + U -- Underline highlighted selection.
  9. Ctrl + R -- Reply to an email.
  10. Ctrl + F -- Forward an email.
  11. Ctrl + N -- Create a new email.
  12. Ctrl + Shift + A -- Create a new appointment to your calendar.
  13. Ctrl + Shift + O -- Open the outbox.
  14. Ctrl + Shift + I -- Open the inbox.
  15. Ctrl + Shift + K -- Add a new task.
  16. Ctrl + Shift + C -- Create a new contact.
  17. Ctrl + Shift+ J -- Create a new journal entry.

WINKEY shortcuts:

  1. WINKEY + D -- Bring desktop to the top of other windows.
  2. WINKEY + M -- Minimize all windows.
  3. WINKEY + SHIFT + M -- Undo the minimize done by WINKEY + M and WINKEY + D.
  4. WINKEY + E -- Open Microsoft Explorer.
  5. WINKEY + Tab -- Cycle through open programs on the taskbar.
  6. WINKEY + F -- Display the Windows Search/Find feature.
  7. WINKEY + CTRL + F -- Display the search for computers window.
  8. WINKEY + F1 -- Display the Microsoft Windows help.
  9. WINKEY + R -- Open the run window.
  10. WINKEY + Pause /Break -- Open the system properties window.
  11. WINKEY + U -- Open utility manager.
  12. WINKEY + L -- Lock the computer (Windows XP & later).

Google Chrome shortcut keys every user needs to know

  1. Ctrl + Shift + N – To enter Incognito mode
  2. Ctrl + Shift + T – Open the last closed tab
  3. Ctrl + W – Close the active tab
  4. Ctrl + PgDn – Jump to next open tab
  5. Ctrl + PgUp – Jump to previous open tab
  6. Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8 – Jump to a specific tab.
  7. Ctrl + 9 – Jump to the rightmost tab.
  8. Alt + Home – Open your home page in the current tab.
  9. Alt + Space then N – Minimize the current window.
  10. Alt + F then X – Quit Google Chrome

While the above are some of the most common ones, there are a few other important Chrome shortcut keys that will further help you speed up your work:

  1. Alt + F or Alt + E – Display the Chrome menu
  2. Ctrl + Shift + B – Display or hide the bookmarks bar
  3. Ctrl + Shift + O – Load the bookmarks manager
  4. Ctrl + J – Open the Downloads page in a new tab
  5. Shift + Esc – Open the Chrome Task Manager
  6. Ctrl + Shift + Delete – Open the clear browsing data options
  7. F5 or Ctrl + R – Refresh the current page
  8. Ctrl + D – Bookmark a page

PC shortcut keys for special characters

Many special characters can be created using keyboard shortcuts. Below are some of the more common and popular special characters and the keyboard shortcuts to create them.

Shortcut KeysSpecial Character
Alt+0176°  (degree symbol)
Alt+0177±  (plus/minus symbol)
Alt+0128€  (Euro currency)
Alt+0162¢  (Cent symbol)
Alt+0163£  (British Pound currency)
Alt+0165¥  (Japanese Yen currency)

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